May 24, 2021May 26, 2021Community AGM Reports are available Go to the Members’ menu, Squadron Documents, to access the Commander’s report and the Education, Financial and Membership Officers’ reports.
May 24, 2021May 24, 2021Community The May Seabreeze is here! Go to the Members area to find the latest Seabreeze …..
May 4, 2021May 4, 2021Community Read the April Seabreeze! Go to the Seabreeze tab in the members area to download the most recent Seabreeze
April 9, 2021April 9, 2021Community The Dead Boats Disposal Society A Not for Profit Society dedicated to Inventory, Assessment, Testing, Removal and Disposal of Dead Boats, abandoned on our shores, beaches and […]
April 9, 2021April 9, 2021Resources Dealing with Anchoring Failures Source” Anchoring failures can ruin your day. Fouled anchors, dragging anchors, fouled lines and keel wrapping can turn an otherwise glorious […]
April 9, 2021April 9, 2021Members Read the March Seabreeze!! Visit the Members Only Sea Breeze page to download a copy.
February 22, 2021February 22, 2021Resources Article about Personal Location Beacons by Safety Officer Greg Sutfin